Observe nature and you will understand the meaning of everything.
Albert Einstein

Col Tamarie wines. Of earth, spirit and smiles.
Piacere! Siamo Alberto e Marta. Benvenuti nel nostro angolino di paradiso sui colli di Vittorio Veneto. Qui, ci impegnamo a trasformare la magia della natura nel vino naturale Col Tamarie. Per noi ogni grappolo d’uva è un piccolo capolavoro che cresciamo con amore, musica e un pizzico di sana follia olistica. Speriamo possiate scoprire qualcosa di più su questo vino speciale, che per noi è un caro amico.
Nel nostro viaggio, ogni giorno è un’avventura. Non ci limitiamo a coltivare uva, ma coltiviamo relazioni con la terra, gli elementi e le energie sottili che ci circondano. La nostra filosofia va oltre il biologico: è un dialogo costante con la natura, dove ogni scelta rispetta i ritmi e cicli del prezioso ecosistema che ci circonda. Questo è un luogo dove antico e moderno si incontrano, creando vini speciali che raccontano storie sincere.
Pleased to meet you! We are Alberto and Marta. Welcome to our little corner of paradise in the Vittorio Veneto hills. Here, we strive to transform the magic of nature into the natural wine Col Tamarie. For us, every bunch of grapes is a small masterpiece that we grow with love, music and a pinch of healthy holistic madness. We hope you will discover more about this special wine, which is a dear friend to us.
tell me more
On our journey, every day is an adventure. We do not just grow grapes, we cultivate relationships with the earth, the elements and the subtle energies that surround us. Our philosophy goes beyond organic: it is a constant dialogue with nature, where every choice respects the rhythms and cycles of the precious ecosystem that surrounds us. This is a place where ancient and modern meet, creating special wines that tell sincere stories.
The morainic stage.
Talking to the land
Our vineyards nestle on the sunny slopes of the Pre-Alps, 450 metres above sea level, where the moraine soils give the grapes a unique mineral complexity. Biodiversity is the beating heart of our ecosystem, a perfect balance where every element lives in harmony, far from intensive farming practices, to guarantee healthy grapes rich in extract, essential for a balanced and harmonious wine.

A return to the roots.
Our adventure begins with the choice of grapes, a tribute to the vines historically cultivated in the Upper Victorian area. We have selected varieties that are perfectly suited to our land, convinced that only in this way can wine express the essence of its terroir. This research has led us to cultivate grapes that not only thrive in our climate but also tell the story of this land.

The art of growing, starts with listening.
La nostra viticoltura inizia con un ascolto presente, che ci permette di intuire le necessità del suolo e delle piante. Nutriamo e rinforziamo le viti con rimedi omeopatici e fitoterapici, minimizzando l’uso di rame e zolfo, per garantire grappoli pieni di vitalità e salute, rispettando l’ambiente e la natura delle piante. Utilizziamo anche tecniche olistiche riprese dalla tradizione per agire sulle energie più sottili.
Adottiamo la litopuntura, posizionando pietre e strutture geometriche sui meridiani terrestri, e utilizziamo orgoniti, composti da metalli e cristalli, per accumulare e purificare i campi magnetici, creando un ambiente vitale. Anche l’antica conoscenza astrologica ci aiuta nelle nostre pratiche agricole, assicurando che ogni azione sia in sintonia con i ritmi naturali.
Our viticulture starts with listening to the soil and plants’ needs. We nourish and strengthen the vines with homeopathic and phytotherapeutic remedies, minimising the use of copper and sulphur, to ensure bunches full of vitality and health, respecting the environment and the nature of the plants. We also use holistic techniques taken from tradition to act on the subtlest energies.
We adopt lithopuncture, placing stones and geometric structures on the earth’s meridians, and use orgonites, composed of metals and crystals, to accumulate and purify magnetic fields, creating a vital environment. Ancient astrological knowledge also helps us in our farming practices, ensuring that every action is in tune with natural rhythms.
Winemaking: an exercise in humility.
Our non-interventionist winemaking method aims to preserve the integrity and quality of the grapes from field to glass. We harvest the grapes by hand and process them with as little intervention as possible, allowing them to express themselves in an authentic and healthy way. Maceration varies according to the natural rhythm of each vintage, and the free-run juice is carefully separated from the skins, avoiding the addition of pressing must.

The dance of seasons.
After fermentation, the necessary racking separates the wine from impurities, while the cold winter weather aids its natural stabilisation. We stir the deposit in the barrel to enrich the wine with complexity. In spring, we bottle and allow the wine to referment in the bottle, resting on the lees until autumn. This patient and respectful process allows us to offer a wine that is a faithful reflection of the land and grapes from which it comes, free of sophistication and true to its essence.

A wine that listens.
Per noi ogni bottiglia è un microcosmo che risuona con la vita. È provato che le frequenze sonore influenzino la struttura molecolare, si può dire che ne definiscano l’espressione finale. I test di degustazione hanno rivelato una maggiore leggerezza nei vini che sono stati messi a contatto con specifiche musiche e suoni, paragonabile alla sensazione di bere acqua di sorgente.
Ci piace pensare alla nostra cantina come ad un piccolo tempio, dove il vino ascolta e si forma sotto l’influenza di musica sacra e cristalli. Le campane tibetane armoniche, suonate durante le varie fasi di lavorazione, infondono nel vino vibrazioni antiche e cariche positive. Le nostre tecniche (ve lo cencediamo, un po’ bizzarre), sono radicate in antiche saggezze e moderne intuizioni. Invitano ogni sorso a raccontare una storia più profonda, una storia di terra, cielo e spirito.
Per noi ogni bottiglia è un microcosmo che risuona con la vita. È provato che le frequenze sonore influenzino la struttura molecolare, si può dire che ne definiscano l’espressione finale. I test di degustazione hanno rivelato una maggiore leggerezza nei vini che sono stati messi a contatto con specifiche musiche e suoni, paragonabile alla sensazione di bere acqua di sorgente.
A wine that resonates
We like to think of our wine cellar as a small temple, where wine listens to and is formed under the influence of sacred music and crystals. The harmonic Tibetan bells, played during the various processing stages, infuse the wine with ancient vibrations and positive charges. Our techniques (we tell you, a bit bizarre), are rooted in ancient wisdom and modern insights. They invite each sip to tell a deeper story, a story of earth, sky and spirit.

Sparkling White Wine
Col Tamarie is a sparkling white wine that takes its time. Delicately macerated and spontaneously refermented in the bottle, unfiltered and almost sulfite-free, all naturally produced by yeasts without any added chemicals. It’s born from a blend of white grapes, all strictly grown at 450m above sea level on rocky morainic hills, embraced by forests and kissed by the sun.
It’s an exuberant wine, with a bouquet of citrus scents, aromatic herbs, and a fresh, crisp, mineral, and persistent flavor. Ideal for aperitifs, celebrations, or to accompany vegetable-based dishes, fish, and white meats.
Col Tamarie Milù is the tranquil sibling of our sparkling wine. Gently macerated and unfiltered, with a very low sulfite content and no added chemicals. It’s born from a blend of white grapes, all strictly grown at 450m above sea level on rocky morainic hills, embraced by forests and kissed by the sun.
It’s a simple yet authentic wine, ready to accompany your meals with respect and discretion. It releases aromas of aromatic herbs like chamomile on a balsamic background, offering a fresh, light, mineral, and persistent flavor. It’s the perfect companion for vegetable-based dishes, fish, and white meats.